May 26, 2009

World famous choreographer Jiří Kylián is advisor of Tomoko Mukaiyama Foundation

I am proud to announce that choreographer Jiří Kylián joins our committee of advisors for Tomoko Mukaiyama Foundation. I worked with Jiří Kylián and the prestiguous Nederlands Dans Theater in 2006 on a dance creation named "Tar and Feathers". Next to my other advisors a.o. the composers Tan Dun, Louis Andriessen, actress Sylvia Kristel and curator David Elliott I welcome him to the project 'wasted' that will be exhibited in his motherland, the Czech Republic, in 2010.

Tomoko Mukaiyama

May 23, 2009

xxxx KG

先週フローニンゲンで迷宮を形作っていたドレス群は取り外されたあと、 ラッピングされ、コンテーナーに詰まれ空港に行きました。

All the dresses, thousands of dresses which were making labyrinth last
week in Groningen were taken down, wrapped in, and now waiting to take off to Japan.
I hope they don't get lost.
I hope they don't get dirty.
I hope they don't get wet.
I hope they don't get crumpled.
I hope they don't get stolen.
I hope they won't explode.


May 20, 2009


On 14th may, we opened our installation to the public for a few hours.

We had 300 visitors in 4 hours.

More than 60 dresses were taken by the women who have engaged to participate the project.

On the same day, late in the evening, we had taken the complete installation down.

Short life, wasted.

All dresses are now at the airport , waiting to take off to Japan.

This is the beginning of a big party.


May 14, 2009








そしてデザインをした者として今感じるのは、これまでイメージしてきた以上に出来上がっていく空間が素晴らしく、“豊かである”ということです。 一万着余りの白いドレスで満たされるキューブを歩く姿を想像して見てください。柔らかな光に満たされ、どこまでも続いていく純白の世界。




May 12, 2009

Aftellen tot de TRY OUT

Het aftellen is begonnen tot de try-out op donderdag 14 mei... Loop die dag anders even binnen in het Grand Theatre op de Grote Markt in Groningen. Toegang is gratis. Het duurt nog 10 maanden voordat de Nederlandse première in Heerlen plaatsvindt.

Lekkere voorbereidingen
De voorbereidingen in Groningen zijn tot nu toe heel lekker verlopen. Met 'lekker' bedoel ik dat de problemen die zich dagelijks voordeden altijd weer met een gezond verstand en pragmatisch handelen opgelost werden. De voetbalnetten waar de jurken in worden opgehangen, waren te klein afgeleverd. Een spoedopdracht naar de Tsjechische fabrikant zorgde voor zweetparels op mijn gezicht en op het gezicht van mijn collega Radka Maurova in Praag. Eenmaal opnieuw besteld werd ons geduld op de proef gesteld door TNT en de nationale feestdagen in Nederland en Tsjechië. Wonder boven wonder kunnen pakketten zonder registratie anoniem landen doorkruisen en plots op de stoep liggen. Eind goed al goed.

wasted niet alleen van Tomoko
'wasted' wordt inmiddels niet alleen meer gedragen door Tomoko. Het zwaan-kleef-aan-concept is begonnen. ‘wasted’ is van iedereen die zich wil engageren met het project. Tot nu toe zijn dat ontzettende gemotiveerde Japanse architecten, de teamleiders in Japan en Tsjechië, het hele team van het Grand Theatre (een beter en gastvrijer huis kan je niet wensen!), de vrijwilligers en de eerste participanten die zich via onze site (16.000 bezoekers in 1,5 maand!!!) hebben aangemeld.
Ook participeren? Klik in het menu van de website op 'be [p]art.

C ya next time
Marieke Peters
projectmanager 'wasted'

The Countdown
The countdown has begun.... On Thursday May 14 the try-out of 'wasted' is a fact. If you are around Groningen, come in and check it out. It will take another 10 months before we official premiere @ Schunck-Glaspaleis in Heerlen.

Good vibrations/ good preperations
The preperations in Groningen went fine up till now. Every problem had its own solution and sometimes when it seemed hard to find out the solution I like to quote Mr Marley: "Everything is gonna be alright".
A nice example of keeping your head cool was the delivery of football nets in which the dresses are to be attached for the installation. On delivery in Groningen we saw that the size was wrong. An immediate order was placed again at the Czech net factory by my colleague Radka Maurova. Some pearls of sweat were wiped away after our patience was tested by the TNT courier who delivered the nets just in time. It seems that packages can travel and cross borders without being registrated anywhere along the road.... But.... in the end everything was alright!

‘wasted’ not only by Tomoko
'wasted' is becoming more then just an art project by Tomoko Mukaiyama. Anyone who wants to engage is welcome to. Up till now we have great people involved like the young architects from Japan who work day & night, our team leaders in Japan and Prague who are doing all they can to get the best deals out of every supplier. And not to forget: the warm and professional team from the Grand Theatre (you can not wish a better house to create) and all the volunteers that have worked so hard the last couple of weeks to make this project happen. Even the first participants have signed up through the website (16.000 visitors in 1,5 month!!!) to participate in the ritual performance. Do you want to participate as well? Or do you want to receive more information how to participate? Click on the menu of on ‘be [p]art’.

C ya next time
Marieke Peters
project manager 'wasted'

May 11, 2009

Try-out of the 'wasted' exhibition

'Save the Date'
On Thursday May 14 there is a try-out of the 'wasted' exhibition at the Grand Theatre in Groningen from 5.00 - 9.00 pm.

At 8.00 pm I will explain the project in a discussion with Kie Ellens, director of the Wallhouse in Groningen.

I would like to invite you to come and have a first look.







Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to the wonderful world of strange people.
The most wonderful creatures are here in the Grand Theatre of Groningen.
Of course, we`re all here because of the production of wasted.
As you can read. Hmmm... Let`s see.
There are a lot of strange creatures living here, we have favourites, and we have less favourites, we`ll introduce:

Kiriko & Mick
They are the coolest weirdos, just being theirselves.

In this picture he is doing his dance about sharks and whales. It was soooooo romantic.

Marieke, Tomoko & Sara
They are the Charlie`s Angels of the Grand Theatre (Tomoko is Cameron Diaz).


She`s the mommymother of all the wasted people you just saw. Ahw. <3>


He`s always being called by his last name. His first name is TOP SECRET.


We have NO idea who she is or where she came from. We just think she`s nice. :3

xoxo Kiriko&Mick

May 09, 2009


5月 5日の夜は、張りめぐらせたネットにドレスの迷宮の壁のラインの印をつける作業を深夜までしました。いよいよ内部のドレス付けの開始です。まずは核となるレッドルームから作業を開始。 1年以上も前からずっとこのプロジェクトに関わっているCUTの代表・牛島くんと、スペインから応援に来た皆川拓くんが、すばらしい綿密な仕事を展開してくれています。シアターの技術監督・プロダクションマネージャーのアンドレ と細かく打合せしながら、作業は進んでいきます。

シアター2階のステージ上では、終盤にさしかかったドレスの防燃加工。次々とドレスが加工されていきます。 ひたすら薬剤にドレスをひたし、それを吊っていく作業。 みんな我慢強く、それなりに楽しみながらがんばっています。



May 07, 2009


CUT(千葉大学チーム)の計算によると,一日につき一人 150枚のドレスをネットに吊るさないと1週間後にせまったフローニンゲンのオープンハウスに間に合わない。

3週間にわたる作業に加わってくださっているのは10人あまりのボランティアの方々。 写真は美術学校で学ぶ3学生、アマンダ、サンダー、ヤスパー。

週末も返上して迷路の壁を担当してくれている。将来は舞台美術の仕事に就き たいという。
According to the calculation of CUT, each of us has to hang at least 150 pieces
of dresses on the net so that the mock-up can be ready for the open house
on May 14.

Now, we have been working together already for a week.
Amanda, Casper, Sander are students from an art school.

They are working on the wall of the 'labyrinth' filled with dresses.
So dear are they!

Tomoko Mukaiyama