May 05, 2010

Volkskrant: kunstenaars geïnspireerd door kunstenaars

Met een vergrootglas te lezen...
Toch.... wie meer wilt weten over degene die Tomoko inspireert kan verder zoeken...
Hij (martin margiela) blijft echter een mysterie...


May 04, 2010

End of exhibition in Heerlen

we were happy to receive so many warm and positive reactions to the exhibition and concert in Heerlen. It was such a big work to set up all those thousands and thousands of dresses again. And imagine the dresses were just in time from Indonesia by airplane....

We enjoyed a great opening with celebrity star Sylvia Kristel who blessed the installation in Heerlen.

there were about 150 people attending the opening from all over the country...

And this is how it looks now... again empty...

BUT, there is still some work to be seen by women who are participating in the project... we chose 5 works to display in Heerlen to show to people what beautiful things people are making by the experience of wearing the dress. You can still see it till May 10. We hope to repeat a small exhibition by participants on our next locations Groningen (Noorderzon) and Prague (DOX Gallery).

ciao ciao